Wednesday, August 13, 2014


According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, kidney cysts are small sacs filled with air or liquid that grow in the kidneys for various reasons. They can be a normal part of aging, or they can result from disease or abnormal fetal development. The cure varies, depending on the causes of the cysts and whether they are causing pain and affecting other organs. Often they do not need any treatment at all, but when they do need to be cured, there are various options ranging from medication to surgical intervention. Have a question? Get an answer from a doctor now!

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Kidney Cyst Cures thumbnail

Menurut National Kidney dan Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, kista ginjal adalah kantung kecil berisi udara atau cairan yang tumbuh di ginjal karena berbagai alasan. Mereka dapat menjadi bagian normal dari penuaan, atau mereka dapat hasil dari penyakit atau perkembangan janin yang abnormal. Obat bervariasi, tergantung pada penyebab kista dan apakah mereka menyebabkan rasa sakit dan mempengaruhi organ-organ lain. Seringkali mereka tidak memerlukan pengobatan sama sekali, tetapi ketika mereka perlu disembuhkan, ada berbagai pilihan mulai dari obat untuk intervensi bedah. Ada pertanyaan? Dapatkan jawaban dari dokter sekarang!

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According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, kidney cysts are small sacs filled with air or liquid that grow in the kidneys for various reasons. They can be a normal part of aging, or they can result from disease or abnormal fetal development. The cure varies, depending on the causes of the cysts and whether they are causing pain and affecting other organs. Often they do not need any treatment at all, but when they do need to be cured, there are various options ranging from medication to surgical intervention. Have a question? Get an answer from a doctor now!

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According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, kidney cysts are small sacs filled with air or liquid that grow in the kidneys for various reasons. They can be a normal part of aging, or they can result from disease or abnormal fetal development. The cure varies, depending on the causes of the cysts and whether they are causing pain and affecting other organs. Often they do not need any treatment at all, but when they do need to be cured, there are various options ranging from medication to surgical intervention. Have a question? Get an answer from a doctor now!

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According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, kidney cysts are small sacs filled with air or liquid that grow in the kidneys for various reasons. They can be a normal part of aging, or they can result from disease or abnormal fetal development. The cure varies, depending on the causes of the cysts and whether they are causing pain and affecting other organs. Often they do not need any treatment at all, but when they do need to be cured, there are various options ranging from medication to surgical intervention. Have a question? Get an answer from a doctor now!

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